
Produktvergleich: Diamant Zing Trip Plus - Trekking E-Bike - 2025 Rahmenform (Hersteller) Stepover, Rahmengröße M, Akkukapazität 545 Wh

Trekking E-Bike-Vergleich: Finden Sie Ihr Traumrad und passende Trekking E-Bike-Angebote mit diesem Side-by-Side-Vergleich des Diamant Zing Trip Plus. Trekking E-Bike-Vorschläge zu Diamant Zing Trip Plus Rahmenform (Hersteller) Stepover, Rahmengröße M, Akkukapazität 545 Wh.

Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Bild: Diamant


Zing Trip Plus Variante Stepover | M | 545 Wh
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy


Aventura² 6.7 Variante Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Bild: Haibike


Trekking 7 Variante High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Bild: Kalkhoff


Endeavour 5 Move+ Variante DI | M | oceanshades matt
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Bild: Lapierre


e-Explorer 7.6 Variante High | M
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Bild: Specialized


Turbo Vado 5.0 Variante M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Bild: Trek


Allant+ 6 Variante Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Top Angebot

3.799,00 €


2.699,00 €


3.999,00 €


2.699,00 €


2.550,00 €


3.899,49 €


4.349,00 €



Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Diamant FOCUS Haibike Kalkhoff Lapierre Specialized Trek
Zing Trip Plus Aventura² 6.7 Trekking 7 Endeavour 5 Move+ e-Explorer 7.6 Turbo Vado 5.0 Allant+ 6
Stepover | M | 545 Wh Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy DI | M | oceanshades matt High | M M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
2025 2024 2025 2025 2024 2025 2025
Vergissmeinnichtblau Metallic diamondblackglossy soft grey/red/blue - glossy oceanshades matt weiß Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic Mulsanne Blue
Herren Herren Herren Herren Herren Herren Herren
Geschlecht (Hersteller)
Unisex Herren Unisex
165 cm ‒ 175 cm 144 cm ‒ 156 cm 170 cm ‒ 178 cm 154 cm ‒ 167 cm 168 cm ‒ 178 cm 146 cm ‒ 154 cm 165 cm ‒ 175 cm
77 cm ‒ 83 cm 64 cm ‒ 71 cm 65 cm ‒ 73 cm 70 cm ‒ 78 cm 62 cm ‒ 69 cm 65 cm ‒ 70 cm 77 cm ‒ 83 cm
25,3 kg 27,8 kg 25,9 kg
zul. Gesamtgewicht
150 kg 170 kg
eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs eBikes & Pedelecs
Trekking Trekking Trekking Trekking Trekking Trekking Trekking
4.099,00 € 3.999,00 € 4.499,00 € 3.999,00 € 3.999,00 € 4.500,00 € 4.349,00 €
ETR - E-Trekking eBikes / Trekking eBikes Trekking Trekking ETR - E-Trekking


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
10 1x10 1x11 1x9 1x10 1x11 10
Shimano "Cues" Shimano "Cues" Shimano CUES U6000 10s Shimano SL-U8000-11IR, CUES, Right, 11-Speed Rapidfire, W/O Optical Gear Display, I-Spec Ii
Schalthebel (hinten)
Shimano Triggershift Cues SL-U6000, Rapidfire+
10 Shimano Derailleur Umwerfer Shimano Cues, 9 speed
Art der Schaltung
Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung Kettenschaltung
Shimano CUES U6000 * GS Shimano Cues Shimano Cues RD-U6000 11s, Shadow+ Shimano Cues Shimano CUES U6000 10/11s Shadow+ Shimano RD-U8000, CUES, Gs 11-Speed, Top Normal, Shadow Plus Design, Direct Attachment Shimano CUES U6000 * GS


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Bremse (vorne)
Shimano Hydraulic Disc brake Deore BR-MT410 Deore BR-MT410 Hydraulische Scheibenbremse Shimano RT30 Shimano 4 pistons, CUES, BL-U8000, Br-U8020, Sm-Ma-F180P/P2
Bremse (hinten)
Shimano Hydraulic Disc brake Deore BR-MT410 Deore BR-MT410 Post Mount Shimano EM300 W/ integrated magnet Shimano 4 pistons, CUES,BL-U8000, Br-U8020
MAGURA Hydraulische 4-Kolben-Scheibenbremse, MT Thirty / Hydraulische 4-Kolben-Scheibenbremse, Magura MT Thirty Disc TEKTRO T535 Shimano MT401 / MT420 hydraulische Scheibenbremse / Hydraulische Scheibenbremse Shimano MT401/MT420
hydraulische Scheibenbremse hydraulische Scheibenbremse hydraulische Scheibenbremse Scheibenbremse hydraulische Scheibenbremse hydraulische Scheibenbremse hydraulische Scheibenbremse
Shimano MT200, 2-piston, hydraulic disc brake Shimano BL-MT402 Shimano MT401 2 Pistons
Bremse Hersteller
MAGURA Shimano TEKTRO Shimano Shimano Shimano
Bremsscheibe (vorne) Durchmesser
180 mm 180 mm 203 mm 180 mm
Bremsscheibe (hinten) Durchmesser
180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm
Shimano MT200, hydraulische Scheibenbremse


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor Tretlagermotor
Bosch Smart System Performance Line CX BDU38 Bosch Performance Line CX Smart System Bosch Performance CX Bosch Performance Line Smart System Bosch Performance line CX Specialized 2.2, custom tuned motor Bosch Performance Line CX
85 Nm 85 Nm 85 Nm 75 Nm 85 Nm 90 Nm 85 Nm
36 V 36 V 36 V 36 V 36 V 36 V
250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W
max. Motorleistung
600 W 600 W 600 W 600 W 600 W 565 W 600 W
max. Motorunterstützung
25 km/h 25 km/h 25 km/h 25 km/h 25 km/h 25 km/h 25 km/h
340% 340% 340% 340% 340% 410% 340%
4 4 4
Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch brose Bosch
2,9 kg 2,9 kg 2,9 kg 3,2 kg 2,9 kg 3 kg 2,9 kg
Motor Schalterkennung
Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Bosch Powertube Bosch Intube battery Specialized U2-710, alloy casing, state of charge display
17,4 Ah 22,2 Ah 16,7 Ah
545 Wh 625 Wh 800 Wh 625 Wh 625 Wh 710 Wh 800 Wh
Akku Ladezeit
6,9 h
36 V 36 V 36 V
Akku Gewicht
3,9 kg 3,5 kg
Akku Platzierung
Unterrohr, integriert Rahmen, integriert
Akku Ladegerät
Bosch Charger 4A Bosch 2A Custom charger, 42V4A w/ Rosenberger plug, 100-240V
Bosch Bosch Specialized
Lithium Ionen (Li-Ion) Lithium Ionen (Li-Ion)


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
ergotec Ergo Series XXL, 31,8 mm, 30 mm Rise, 16° Krümmung Aluminium, flatbar, backsweep: 9°, 35,0 mm JD MTB579A Dia. 31.8 mm, Rise: 15 mm Concept EX Ergo Riser Lapierre alloy 6061DB, Rise: 15mm, Backsweep: 25°, Ø: 31.8mm Specialized alloy, 15-degree backsweep, 46mm rise, 31.8mm Aluminium-Lowriser, 31,8 mm, 25 mm Rise, 11 Grad Krümmung
760 mm 690 mm 680 mm 680 mm 690 mm
Bontrager Comp, 31 8 mm, Blendr-kompatibel, 7 Grad, 80 mm Länge Aluminium, adjustable, 90 mm XLC Adjustable JD-ST99A, Dia. 31.8 mm, L: 80 mm, ADJ Verstellbar Concept EX, adjustable Lapierre 17°, Ø: 31.8mm, Length: 90mm Specialized Flowset, 3D-forged alloy, 20-degree rise, 31.8mm clamp Bontrager Comp, 31 8 mm, Blendr-kompatibel, 7 Grad, 80 mm Länge
ergotec EG Active Flex, mit Klemmung, mit Dämpfungsanpassung Velo Ergon GC10 XLC Ergonomic grips Ergon GA30-S Custom, 134.8mm Length Bontrager XR Endurance Elite
Bosch Kiox 500, Smart System Bosch LED Remote + Intuvia 100 Bosch Kiox 300 colour display with walk assist Bosch LED Remote MasterMind TCD, w/handlebar remote, built-in anti-theft feature, Bluetooth® connectivity, customizable display pages
Integrierter FSA-Steuersatz, gedichtetes Patronenlager, 1 1/8″ oben, 1,5″ unten ACROS ZS56/ZS66 (ICR), FOCUS C.I.S. Integrated Teilintegriert FSA NO.55R/57E, Anod black 1-1/8″-1.5″


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
SR SUNTOUR Mobie 34, Luftfeder, verstellbare Zugstufe und Druckstufe, 100mm Steckachse SR SUNTOUR XCR 34 LO Coil, 15x110 mm SR SUNTOUR Mobie 34 Mobie 34 Aluminium Federung SR SUNTOUR Mobie34 Air, 15 mm thru axle SR SUNTOUR XCR 34 Coil Boost 15x110 15AH2 27,5″ RockShox Recon Silver RL, Motion-Control, fender-mounts SR SUNTOUR Mobie 34, Luftfeder, verstellbare Zugstufe und Druckstufe, konischer Aluminiumgabelschaft, 15 x 100 mm Steckachse
Gabel Hersteller
Art der Gabel
Federgabel Federgabel Federgabel Federgabel Federgabel Federgabel Federgabel
51 mm 44 mm 44 mm
Gabel Federweg
60 mm 100 mm 100 mm 80 mm 120 mm 80 mm 60 mm
515 mm 480 mm


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Bontrager Kovee, Hohlkammerfelge, Tubeless Ready, 32-Loch, 23 mm Innenweite, Presta-Ventil RODI TRYP25, 25-622 RODI Cyclone, with eyelets Lapierre 27.5″, DB-X30 32H, 584x30C Disc Rim 32H with stainless Eyelets 650b disc, double-wall alloy, pinned, 32h Bontrager Kovee, Hohlkammerfelge, Tubeless Ready, 28-Loch, 23 mm Innenweite, Presta-Ventil
Felge (vorne)
Schurmann Yak25 32H with Single Eyelets
Schwalbe G-One Allround, mit reflektierendem Streifen, Drahtwulstkern, Pannenschutz Schwalbe Smart Sam 2.25 Continental Ruban, Reflex Schwalbe Marathon Almotion Performance Schwalbe Johnny Watts, Performance, DD, Raceguard, 67EPI Schwalbe G-One, Performance, RaceGuard, mit reflektierendem Streifen
Continental Ruban, Reflex Pathfinder Sport Reflect, x2.3
Pathfinder Sport Reflect, x2.3
Reifen Hersteller
Schwalbe Schwalbe Continental Schwalbe Schwalbe Schwalbe
Shimano MT400, 15x110, 32H Centerlock
Nabe (vorne)
Shimano TC500, Centerlock, 110x15mm Steckachse Shimano TC500, 15x110 mm Shimano HB-TC500-15, 15x100 mm, Centerlock Shimano Alivio MT400, 15x100 mm with QR Specialized alloy front hub disc, sealed cardridge bearings, 6-bolt, 15x110mm thru-axle, 32h Bontrager gedichtete Lager, 32-Loch, 15-mm-Aluminiumsteckachse
Nabe (hinten)
Shimano QC400, 32 Loch, Centerlock, 135x5 mm Schnellspanner Shimano TC500, 148 x 12 mm Shimano FH-TC500-HM-B, Boost 12x148 mm, Centerlock Shimano Alivio MT400, 12x142 mm thru axle Shimano MT400, 12x148, 32H, Centerlock Specialized Alloy Rear Hub Disc, Sealed Cardridge Bearings, 6-Bolt, 12X148mm Thru-Axle, 32H, Hd Steel Fhb Formula CL-52, Aluminium, 135 x 5 mm Schnellspannachse
Sapim Leader Dia. 2.0 mm Niro DT Swiss Industry
Reifengröße (ETRTO)
65-584 57-622 58-584 55-622 65-584 57-584
Reifengröße (franz.)
Reifengröße (Zoll)
27,5″ 29″ 27,5″ 29″ 27,5″ 27,5″
Pannenschutz Reflexstreifen Pannenschutz RaceGuard Pannenschutz RaceGuard
Standard 40mm SV 650Bx1.75-2.4
27,5″ 29″ 27,5″ 29″ 27,5″ 27,5″ 27,5″


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Art der Übertragung
Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb Kettenantrieb
Shimano LG500 KMC X10, 10-speed Shimano Chain Cues CN-LG500 11s Shimano CN-LG50 Shimano CUES LG500 9/10/11s Shimano LG500 Shimano LG500
Prowheel Aluminium, 165 mm Kurbelarmlänge Miranda Crius ISIS Crank 170 mm + direct mount Chainring 38T einfach Aluminium Lapierre Overvolt ISIS 170mm + FSA Megatooth Chainring 38T Custom alloy forged crankarms, 170mm Prowheel Aluminium, 170 mm Kurbelarmlänge
1x 48T
170 mm 170 mm 170 mm
FSA CK-320, aluminium
Custom chaincover
Shimano CUES LG400, LINKGLIDE, 11-48 Zähne, 10-fach Shimano CS-LG300 11-48T, 10-G. Shimano Cues CS-LG400-11, HG 11-50T Shimano Cues Shimano CUES LG300 11-48T 10s Shimano CS-LG400-11, CUES, 11-Speed, 11-50T Shimano CUES LG300, LINKGLIDE, 11-48 Z., 10fach
Übersetzung vorne/hinten
36T / 11-48T 38T / 11-50T 42T / 11-41T 38T / 11-48T 48T / 11-50T
1,7 m ‒ 7,6 m 1,7 m ‒ 7,6 m 2,4 m ‒ 8,8 m 1,8 m ‒ 7,8 m


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
VP 536, Nylonplattform XLC VPE-527 MTB Alloy Pedal w. Reflector Aluminium, with anti-slip coating and reflector VP VPE-527 Specialized Commuter w/ grip tape & reflectors rutschfeste Pedale mit Reflektoren
Integriert in Mittelmotor


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Selle Royal Vivo Moderate Ergo Selle Royal TCM Selle Royal Essenza+ Selle Royal Essenza Plus Selle Royal Vivo Ergo Sport men Bridge Sport, Steel rails, 155mm Bontrager Commuter Comp
Specialized Alloy 34.9, Steel Bolt
Bontrager Aluminium, 12 mm Versatz, 330 mm Länge Aluminium LIMOTEC Dropperpost A1H Dropper A1H Dropper Aluminium Patent, suspension Lapierre Alloy, Longueur: 350mm, Offset: 0mm Cane Creek Thudbuster ST Bontrager Aluminium, 12 mm Versatz, 330 mm Länge
350 mm 375 mm
Durchmesser Sattelstütze
32 mm 32 mm 35 mm 32 mm 31 mm 32 mm
Federweg Sattelstütze
125 mm
155 mm


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Beleuchtung vorhanden
Ja Ja Ja Ja
Litemove SE90 LED TRELOCK Skybeamer 300, 6-24V Herrmans MR9, LED Lezyne Power StVZO E500+, 500 Lumens
Scheinwerfer vorhanden
Ja Ja Ja Ja
Scheinwerfer Beleuchtungsstärke
90 Lux
TRELOCK LS421, Brake light Spanninga Aerline 2.0 Brake TRELOCK COB Line, with brakelight, LED Spanninga Stvzo, Commuter Glow With Brake XEr Integrated Garmin Radar, with custom information displayed directly on the Mastermind TCD
Rücklicht vorhanden
Ja Ja Ja Ja


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Ursus Single Mooi 18 Rear Stand Einfach Specialized kickstand, 40mm mount Pletscher Comp Flex 18


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Kunststoff, mit Kantenschutz Curana Apollo 70 Plastic, with edge protector Specialized DRYTECH fenders, 65mm width, aluminum fenderstay SKS Kunststoff, hinten / SKS Kunststoff, vorne
Schutzblech vorhanden
Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja
Turbo System Lock


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Specialized brass bell


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Easylife MIK System luggage carrier MIK HD Rear Carrier Specialized rack, MIK HD interface, built-in pannier mounts MIK-kompatibler Heckgepäckträger aus Aluminium, max. Traglast
Gepäckträger vorhanden
Ja Ja Ja Ja
Bosch Charger 4A + Front light: Trelock I-VEO 50, 50 Lux + Rear Light: Integrated Trelock rear light + Fenders: Stronglight Aluminium integrated rear light from Trelock + Carrier: Lapierre Aluminium MIK Ready 16Kg + Thru axle and bottle opener lever


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
7005 hydroformed aluminium, 3D forging, 148x12 mm thru axle, USB-C port, internal cable routing, post mount 180 mm,7005 hydroformed aluminium, 3D forging, 148x12 mm thru axle, post mount 180 mm Integrale 0.6, Aluminium Overvolt Explorer Integrated Bosch Smart System Alloy E5 Aluminum, bottom bracket motor mount, fully integrated &lockable downtube battery, internal cable routing, lock and front rack mount, sliding dropout Hochleistungsfähiger Aluminiumrahmen mit hydrogeformten Rohren, interne Zugführung, externe Akku-Halterung, Post Mount-Scheibenbremsaufnahme, 135 x 5 mm-Schnellspannachse
Diamant Diamant Diamant Diamant Diamant Diamant Diamant
Rahmenform (Hersteller)
Stepover Diamant High DI High Diamant
Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium
Rahmenmaterial (Hersteller)
ALUMINIUM Aluminium Aluminium Aluminum ALUMINIUM
44 cm 45 cm 48 cm 43 cm 45 cm


Diamant Zing Trip Plus Stepover | M | 545 Wh
Diamant Zing Trip Plus
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7 Diamant | M | diamondblackglossy
FOCUS Aventura² 6.7
Haibike Trekking 7 High | M | soft grey/red/blue - glossy
Haibike Trekking 7
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+ DI | M | oceanshades matt
Kalkhoff Endeavour 5 Move+
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6 High | M
Lapierre e-Explorer 7.6
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 M | Satin Seafoam / Lapis Pearl / Glacial Metallic
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0
Trek Allant+ 6 Diamant | M | Mulsanne Blue | 800 Wh
Trek Allant+ 6
Sitzrohrwinkel effektiv
440 mm 450 mm 450 mm
135 mm 140 mm 150 mm
68° 68°
620 mm
Oberrohrlänge horizontal
613 mm 615 mm
470 mm 470 mm
724 mm
96 mm
65 mm 60 mm 70 mm
285 mm
1.172 mm 1.181 mm 1.186 mm
420 mm 432 mm 444 mm
650 mm 656 mm 639 mm
1.548 1.439
805 mm
90 mm 80 mm 60 mm
73,5° 740°
Top Angebot

3.799,00 €


2.699,00 €


3.999,00 €


2.699,00 €


2.550,00 €


3.899,49 €


4.349,00 €


Zing Trip Plus - Side-by-Side-Vergleich

Diamant Trekking E-Bike-Vergleich sowie Vorschläge weiterer eBikes & Pedelecs anderer Hersteller.

In der Welt der Fahrräder gibt es eine schier endlose Auswahl an Modellen, Typen und Marken. Die Suche nach dem perfekten Diamant Trekking E-Bike kann daher eine echte Herausforderung sein. Damit Sie nicht den Überblick verlieren und Ihr ideales Bike-Angebot finden, ist ein Side-by-Side-Vergleich die ideale Lösung.

Die Fahrrad- und E-Bike-Datenbank bietet neben einer Fahrrad-Suchmaschiene für Trekking E-Bike-Modellen auch einen Vergleich und kann verfügbare Alternativen zum Zing Trip Plus (2025) der Diamant-Händler anzeigen.

Ein Trekking E-Bike Side-by-Side-Vergleich ermöglicht es Ihnen, verschiedene Modelle die dem Zing Trip Plus von Diamant ähneln direkt miteinander zu vergleichen. Dieser Ansatz erleichtert die Identifizierung der Ausstattung, Komponenten, Preise und Rahmengeometrien der eBikes & Pedelecs und ermöglicht es Ihnen, das beste verfügbare Trekking E-Bike Angebot zu finden.

Vergleichen Sie z.B. die Gangschaltungen, Bremsen, Rahmenmaterialien oder Federungssysteme des Zing Trip Plus Diamant, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Diamant Trekking E-Bike nicht nur Ihren Anforderungen entspricht, sondern auch Ihren persönlichen Vorlieben gerecht wird und finden Sie vergleichbare Trekking E-Bike-Modelle.

Nicht zuletzt spielen der Preis und die Verfügbarkeit eine wichtige Rolle. Dieser Side-by-Side-Vergleich des Diamant Zing Trip Plus ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Preise verschiedener Modelle weiterer Fahrradhersteller transparent zu vergleichen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis für Ihr neues Trekking E-Bike erhalten.

Unsere Plattform bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, diesen umfassenden Trekking E-Bike-Vergleich schnell und einfach durchzuführen. Filtern Sie nach Ihren Präferenzen, vergleichen Sie die wichtigsten Eigenschaften und finden Sie das perfekte Trekking E-Bike-Angebot für Ihre Bedürfnisse. Mit unserem Side-by-Side-Vergleich wird die Suche nach dem idealen Fahrrad zu einem unkomplizierten und informativen Erlebnis. Alle Diamant Angebote anzeigen, um ein Modell für den Vergleich auszuwählen.